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Students Awards & NanoArt


"NanoArt" Dead Sea

 Nano Israel 2023

Talya Cohen, Benny Lab

"NanoArt2018" Award

 The Annual Meeting of Nano-Science

Benzion Amoyav, Benny Lab

"NanoArt2017" Award

 The Annual Meeting of Nano-Science

Zohar Katz, Benny Lab

"NanoArt2016" Award

 Nano Israel 2016

Hila Shoval, Benny Lab

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Chalom Zemmour, 2024 Annual meeting of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 
Eliana Steinberg, 2022 Annual meeting of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 
Eliana Steinberg, ADAMS Award Ceremony - Eliana Steinberg, Jerusalem, 2022
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Talya Cohen -Suma Cum Lauda, excellence award, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, HUJI, 2023


Ora Cohen 

  • Best Poster Award, the 2024 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference, Israel

Chalom Zemmour

  • Excellent PhD Research & Oral Presentation, the 2024 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference, Israel

  • Nano-art Award, the 2024 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference, Israel

Nethanel Friedman

  • Excellent PhD Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI, Israel

Ruchama Altosky

  • The Nano-art Audience Favorite Piece Award, the 2024 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference




Chalom Zemmour

  • Best Poster Award, the 2023 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference, Israel

Yoel Goldstein

  • Oral Presentation, the 2023 AFISEB 2023, Israel





Talya Cohen

  • VATAT fellowship for Outstanding Master students, Israel Academy of Sciences

Eliana Steinberg

  • ADAMS fellowship for Excellent PhD students, Israel Academy of Sciences

Chalom Zemmour

  • Nano-art Award, the 2022 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference, Israel

Benzion Amoyav

  • The Nano-art Audience Favorite Piece Award, the 2022 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center conference





Eliana Steinberg

  • 1st prize for the Best Student Poster Award of The Israeli Chapter of the Controlled Release Society (ICRS) 

  • Nano Center Scholarship for Outstanding PhD student, The Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Israel

  • Teva’s Bio-Innovation Fellowship and Mentorship Program, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel


Rawnaq Esa

  • Outstanding Student final presentation award, The MSc program with Specialization in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology




Benzion Amoyav

  • Rene and Henry Bester of Western Australia Student Aid Endowment Fund Scholarship for Cancer Research. Faculty of medicine excellency prize for doctoral students 2020


  • Ph.D. student excellence award, The Harvey M. Krueger Family Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Scholarship 2020


Eliana Steinberg

  • Outstanding Student final presentation award, The MSc program with Specialization in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Chalom Zemmour 

  • Excellent Pharmacists Project Tutor, Dexcel Pharma initiative to encourage Pharmacy awareness in Secondary Schools

  • Alpha Project Tutor, Joint Initiative between the Future Scientists Center and the Ministry of Education’s Department for Gifted and Talented Students.

  • Ministry of Aliyah Fellowship. Ministry of Aliyah Fellowship for PhD outstanding Students


Nethanel Friedman 

  • "Outstanding Poster", The 2020 Annual nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, Israel 






Nethanel Friedman

  • Invited speaker, The 10th International Conference of Skin Ageing & Challenges. Porto, Portugal.

Benzion Amoyav

  • ISMBE Phd student excellence award, The Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE)

  • The Nano-art Award, the 2019 annual nanoscience and nanotechnology conference  

  • Outstanding poster, the 2019 annual nanoscience and nanotechnology conference

  • Orion Fellowship for Msc Nano Students, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Eliana Steinberg 

  • Outstanding Poster Award, 2019 Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference


Chalom Zemmour 

  • Orion Fellowship for Msc Nano Students, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem





Nethanel Friedman

  • Best Poster Award, The 9th International Conference of Skin Ageing & Challenges.Porto, Portugal.

  • The Winni Fejne Fellowship, for excellent M.Sc. students in support of unique skin drug-delivery innovations. Generously donated by Ms. Fejne, an honorary member of the Hebrew University Board.

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for MSc Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.


Benzion Amoyav

  • ClineMed summer school, "Integrating Clinical Knowledge in the Development of New Medical Devices, from Idea to Post-Market Follow-Up". Grenoble, France.

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for MSc Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.

  • The Yelin Excellency Award for MSc Studies. The School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Ein Karem, Jerusalem.

  • The NanoArt Award, The 7th Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, Dead Sea, Israel.


Arnon Fluksman

  • Best poster presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Israel Polymers and Plastics Society.Tel- Aviv, Israel.

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for MSc Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.


Adi Karsch-Bluman

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for PhD Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.

  • The NA'AMAT Award, for excellent Phd students in the field of Chemistry and Pharmacology, NAAMAT- Jewish Women Organization, Israel.

  • The Yael Nossbaum-Lev PhD Excellency Award, The School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Ein Karem, Jerusalem.

  • International Science Campus for Women 2018, for Excellent female Ph.D. students interested in a career in research, Fraunhofer Institutes, Darmstadt, Germany.


Yoel Goldstein

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for PhD Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.






Nethanel Friedman

  • Outstanding Poster, 1st place. The 2017 Annual nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, Dead Sea, Israel.


Benzion Amoyav 

  • Outstanding Poster, 3rd place. The 2017 Annual nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, Dead Sea, Israel.


Tal Stern

  • Rene and Henry Bester of Western Australia Student Aid Endowment Fund Scholarship for Cancer Research, faculty of medicine excellency Prize for graduate students.


Adi Karsch-Bluman

  • Roni and Amnon Eisenberg Award, an Excellency award for PhD students in the field of lung cancer research, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Ein Karem, Jerusalem.

  • The Frances Brody Fellowship, for  Excellency PhD students in the field of breast cancer research.  Faculty of Medicine Hebrew University, Ein Karem, Jerusalem. 

  • Women in Academia Award for excellent female PhD students, Women in Academia association in Israel.






Benzion Amoyav 

  • Dean List Award (2012-2015), Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

  • Summa cum laude, B.Sc. in Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem ​


Arnon Fluksman

  • Magna cum laude, B.Sc. in Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


Tal Stern

  • EDU-Nano scholarship for MSc summer course in nanotechnology at Grenoble Alps University in collaboration with Grenoble INP and CIME nanotech, Grenoble, France.

  • Dean List Award, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


Adi Karsch-Bluman

  • Aharon and Ephraim Katzir Study Grant, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Batsheva de Rothschild Fund for The Advancement of Science in Israel Grant for young excellent scientist for extended studies in research and the learning of new methods at leading laboratories in the world in the life sciences. Internship at the lab of Prof. Martin Pruschy at the University Hospital of Zurich.

  • Erasmus+ Scholarship for PhD Summer Courses at Radboud University, Holland, in Biomedical Sciences.


Lior Minkowicz

  • Outstanding Student Scholarship, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries.


Hila Shoval 

  • The NanoArt Award, The 5th Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology conference, Dead Sea, Israel.






Adi Karsch-Bluman

  • The 7th German Israeli Cancer Research School for researchers in the field of cancer research. An Israeli governmental delegation of 13 young scientists to Germany.

  • The Gross Fund Travel Award for PhD students, School of Pharmacy, Institute for Drug Research, Hebrew University, Ein Karem, Jerusalem.

  • The Hebrew University Travel Grant for PhD students, The Authority for Research Students, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

  • Gordon Conference Travel Support, Angiogenesis conference, New-Port, USA.  






Arnon Fluksman

  • Excellency Award for highest grades, School of Pharmacy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Adi Karsch-Bluman

  • The Shukur Glady Excellency Fellowship for Ph.D. students in the field or cancer research, The Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Hebrew University, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem.

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 The MSc with Specialization in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Award
Rawnaq Esa, 2021
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10th International Conference of Skin Aging & Challanges. Nethanel Friedman, 2018 
Ms. Winni Fejne and Nethanel Friedman- The Winni Fejne Fellowship 2018
Benzion Amoyav- M.Sc. Excellency award 2018
Arnon Fluksman-  Israel polymers and plastics Society, Best poster 
Nethanel Friedman - Skin conference 2018, Best poster
Shoval H
Hila Shoval- NanoIsrael 2016

2023 Annual meeting of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 

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